Saturday, December 14, 2013

The organization, syntax, and imagery used in Margaret Atwood's novel, The Handmaid's Tale.

Margaret Atwoods sassy, The Handmaids Tale, is in a class of its own. I have never read a agree with its form of organization, syntax, or action of description and imagery. Atwood used these tools to awesome effect. Atwoods taradiddle is write in what seems as no parade at all, yet as you write down deeper into the book, you realize that it is chronologically arranged, with countless flashbacks thrown into it. It feels as if youre reading a steady stream of thoughts straight notice of a persons mind. This technique cook ups Offred seem so much more(prenominal) realistic. She becomes a real person, a living, breathing, thinking, human being, not precisely a character out of some story. The syntax of this novel is nicely varied. For the most part, the sentences are long and flowing, weaving a loom of conscious thought. Then, just as the speaker is worthy stressed, in that location is a series of short, clipped sentences and phrases, often with a trust word throw n in for effect. This use of shorter sentences created tightness in the flow of the story. It reinforces the feelings of Offred and created the same feelings within the reader. The best tantrum of Atwoods narrative is her use of description and imagery. Every detail is delivered in a crisp, clean depiction that includes everything from color and size, to the materials it is made of and the signification quarter it. Her use of imagery creates a homo so sensuous as to be physically impossible. Everything is delivered; the texture, the taste, the scent. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The reader is released into a military personnel solely made up of touch, feel, taste, smell, and so! und. Atwood has created a world beyond imagination with her organization, syntax, and description and imagery. Her proficiency with these devices creates a book that is... how could you get 98% for this essay? no offense as yes it is written well but it is incredibly short and has NO quotes or references to the text. It has potential but needs more overwork to make it work. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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